Iran as a resourceful country in natural reserves has been investing heavily in petrochemicals and thereby considered as one of the leading petrochemical commodity producing countries in the Middle East with production surpassing 60 million metric tons per year (mt/y), and the capacity is to reach 120 million mt/y mark by 2020. Global export of churned products inevitably features as an integral part of this lucrative business. It is on this premise that Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC), launched some 26 years ago, is now regarded as a trusted brand, handled during the period over 110 million metric tons of varied products with total value in excess of US$63 billion.
Petrochemical industry in terms of know-how, processing with abundant feedstock and trading is considered as a vibrant business because transformation of raw materials into added value commodity products can generate health and wealth for nations. Petrochemical products primarily cover olefins and aromatics which, as the essential building blocks of the petrochemical industry, are being derived from natural oil/gas (hydrocarbons) reserves after several refining processes. They are, in turn, used in the downstream manufacturing of secondary products like detergents, polyurethanes, plastic and synthetic fibres.
The multiplicity of challenges facing investors on the other hand cannot be considered as trivial. To ensure coherency of policies and desired outcome, in particular fortification of sustainability and profitability, it is vital that opportunities and threats are fully realized. Further, the development of any petrochemical trading organisation can only be sustained on the basis of the effectiveness of its activities particularly in terms of clarity of strategic vision, world class management, targeted investment and measured joint ventures. Companies of PCC stature, particularly under current restrictive and rather testing financial climate, are invariably required to adhere to such measures so as to steer the organization to safe shores through restructuring and self-assessment.
PCC is striving to move into broader territories and diversify its activities, in line with our continually revised mission statement, so as to reflect the changing environment, not just to adhere to challenges that lie ahead but also tolerating constraints imposed externally.
In terms of breadth and depth of our services, the range of offerings mimic the particular needs of clients, including brokerage, trading, business partnership, joint venture investment, and finance. The significant presence of PCC in world trading hot-spots like China (Shanghai & Beijing), India (Mumbai), UAE (Dubai) and Europe (UK & Germany) proved to make a big difference and the opportunity for growth is substantial.
With the availability of experience and resources, PCC is geared to deliver quality in the following areas:
• Provision (supply and export) of oil and petrochemical products, metals and minerals
• Importation of commodity feedstock/products (including oil, chemical & petrochemical), specialized equipment and machineries for spare parts, catalysts
• Provision of logistics and related services including all transportations, storage facilities, warehousing near Iranian shipping ports and international outlets, and customs services
• Facilitation of specialized expert services including representation and auditing
• Provision of expert services (re feasibility study, market research & due diligence) to international companies geared to engage in investment in Iran petrochemical projects and commodity products.
Undoubtedly, the most important asset of PCC considered as the trust and confidence gained from its international partners/clients and it is very much the cornerstone of our philosophy to cultivate and strengthen our hard-earned achievements.